One of our favorite radio personalities in the Washington, D. C. area, Chilli Amar, posts many great items in her blog.  Today was timed perfectly for yesterday’s bridal show brides, remember to proofread your wedding invites.

PHOTO:  Here’s Why You Should Proofread Your Wedding Invites (from the “Loo and Chilli Blog” on

We know the couple in the photo meant “presence” and not “presents“, but in reality they’re also grateful for the presents.  Wait, or is that greatful?  Well, the little red-line indicator on our spell check says it’s grateful.  Whew, thank you spell check!

Unfortunately, their they’re there are many times we rite write something and even though the correct words are pasted posted as spelled correctly, we don’t see the errors until its, it’s, too late.  A good peace piece of advice would be to have a family member, or friend who isn’t immediately helping you proofread your writings.  Don’t rely solely on yourself or even the printer, because printers tend to print exactly what is sent to them and most make you sign an agreement saying you have proofread your work.

Wedding DJ, Sports DJ, P. A. Announcing, Mitzvah DJ, Emcee, Host, Corporate DJ. I get to help people have a great time!