Photo by Nathan Mitchell Photography
There are so many ways wedding couples can show their own personality in their weddings, and it only enhances the overall atmosphere at the wedding. We’ve talked about sports, but what about dorks? (We use dorks with love, because well, we were in school!)
Huffpost Weddings: 21 Adorkable Ways To Let Your Nerd Flag Fly At Your Wedding
The Huffington Post Weddings recently did a blog post with 21 ways to let your nerd fly at your wedding. Number 19 looks like a wedding we did a few years ago in which we had a light sabre dance and played the 1970’s disco version of Star Wars. See the video below.

Photo by Nathan Mitchell Photography
The couple, Mary & Jason embraced their love for Star Wars beyond the light sabre dance, but also were introduced to their reception under an archway of light sabres and even had R2D2 in attendance. R2D2 even made a short speech during the toasts!
What made this wedding reception so much fun is that not only did it showcase the couple, but also their personal side, which also related well to a lot of their friends. Was there going to be a sabre fight between the groom and a groomsman, yes, because there were light sabres there. It’s what happens.
To see more photos from Mary & Jason’s wedding and reception, the blog post from photographer Nathan Mitchell of Nathan Mitchell Photography is below.