Earlier this week, we talked about behavior on social media. It’s two stories down so you can’t miss it. Today, we’re going to speak about DJs acting professionally, in all aspects of communication.
One bride whose wedding is coming up told us that she chose Metro DC DJs because our e-mail, though long, didn’t give her a headache in trying to read it. Bad grammar, misuse of punctuation, sentence structure, capitalization and tense use was all rampant in some of the communications she had.
Based on her budget and her attention to detail when choosing a wedding DJ, we know some of the DJs she contacted are good DJs. They’re work is appreciated, but in their e-mail responses and talking to them on the phone, there was something missing. She felt that if the DJ can’t take the time to spell her name correctly, know the difference between your & you’re and know you don’t ask, “When We Gonna Ate?”, then that’s not the DJ for her.
Yes, we sometimes alternate on the Oxford comma, misspell some words and sometimes write something that doesn’t sound correct. We’re not going to dispute that. So far, we’ve proofread this post three times and are still making changes!
The moral here is when choosing a professional DJ, the professional is probably the one that speaks like a professional, writes like a professional, dresses like a professional and conducts him or herself like a professional. They don’t just simply call themselves a professional.